All covid-19 restrictions are unconstitutional, disobey them.

No More Games NewsLetter
2 min readNov 29, 2020


Why are we allowing this?

Americans fought so hard for Freedom yet are so willing to give it up at the advice of career politicians and unelected bureaucrats.

The lockdowns were never about preventing COVID-19 these lockdowns were a for-profit experiment from the very beginning to see how far they could push the American people into giving up their freedom and how far they were willing to go for the “greater good.” Ultimately, Americans are willing to give up a lot. The for-profit unconstitutional lockdowns that have occurred and that will most likely occur again in January are completely un-American unforgivable Unforgettable and unacceptable. This for-profit experiment aka the lockdowns has cost this country greatly, small businesses all together have lost over two hundred billion dollars while the rich have gained coincidentally 200 billion dollars, suicide sores dept sores while the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, Americans turn on Americans for not wearing a face garment while those making the rules don’t even follow them and are never held accountable by the American so-called press. We’re in the midst of a corporate takeover, Amazon Google and other large corporations all of a sudden have all the wealth and power while those that claim to be fighting for economic equality and fighting against the rich are being funded by the rich.

It is in America’s DNA to not obey these corporate for-profit experimental lockdowns, and we shouldn’t obey. What has occurred this year is mind-boggling the ramifications in the years to come will be great as will the consequences for these corporations, unelected bureaucrats and coastal elitist politicians?

These coastal Elites must be held accountable now on behalf of all who have suffered this year.

