Freedom of the press is good in theory but bad in practice here’s why

No More Games NewsLetter
2 min readNov 30, 2020


“Fake News is the enemy of the people”- Donald Trump

Freedom of the press was designed by the founding fathers to hold the powerful accountable. But like every other institution that we have the rich and Powerful somehow find a way into controlling it. The richest man in the world all of a sudden owns one of the biggest news publications in America The Washington Post and there are many other examples such as that. This is unacceptable and disgraceful the whole existence of the press is to call out the powerful on behalf of the citizenry now they do the opposite by calling out the citizenry on behalf of the Rich and powerful and what we have seen in the last four years has been totally disgraceful disgusting unacceptable and ultimately Unforgivable. Fake news is the most accurate term to assign these people, to me the so-called journalists are the equivalent of Nazi propagandist, journalism is dead all we have is leftist disinformation and those that call it out, all we have are activist that seek to pursue their agenda at all cost regardless of the damages that it causes to us as a republic. The media generate disinformation and knowingly faults stories in order to hurt the opposition to the rich and Powerful.

This is a disservice to the American people, and they need to be held accountable, that is why the FCC must push out stricter guidelines on not limiting the Free Press but holding them accountable. Loosen up the libel laws there has to be consequences for pushing out false, derogatory and divisive information . Broadcasting licenses need to be revoked if you do not pass the standards that should be set by FCC.

The American Media is the enemy of the American people because the American Media does not serve the American people they serve large corporations and the Democratic National Committee. It is disgraceful to see what has happened in the last 4 years and it is time to go after them. Freedom of the press does not mean you have the freedom to spew out false divisive and defamatory information in order to divide a country because you hate the opposition it’s disgraceful.

Freedom of the press is good in theory but bad in practice, the theory was that it would act as a vessel to call out the power on behalf of the people. Times have changed so adaptations must be made if we intend to reach our full potential as an American people the freedom of the press must be strongly yet fairly regulated,no other country has type of leeway with the press I see why now.

