Make China pay

No More Games NewsLetter
2 min readDec 8, 2020


“It’s China’s fault.” — Donald Trump

What China has done to the world when it comes to the Coronavirus is disgraceful. The Coronavirus according to reports started to spread in late December and China not only hid that information but killed their own scientists who tried to reveal that information and then when the world found out about the virus, Chinese globalists in the WHO claimed that the virus was not transmission-able between humans while COVID-19 was transmission-ing between humans around the world and in America.

Now despite the abused and hyped up virus spread in America, China must ultimately pay for the economic damage they have caused to the world. In my opinion they should be paying for a bunch of other reasons including their Uighur slave labor currency manipulation an outright intellectual fraud but with COVID-19 the devastation that they have caused, they have to pay. Now how do you go about doing this how do you make them pay for the damages that they have cause to America, in my opinion you don’t do it militarily you have to do it financially

If I Was President I would cancel all that debt owed to China all 10 plus trillion dollars that United States owe to China canceled to offset the economic damage they have caused to our country. To offset the damage to cancel all that owed to China that’s one way another way, another is to ban all foreign exchange students from China. To people who don’t know China has been using foreign exchange students (not all) as spies to steal intellectual data and information from our universities in fact the president of China used to be one he used to live in Kentucky!

We must ban all students coming from China now in my opinion this we should already have a process that eliminates those that are acting in by faith already but who are we kidding we are run by the elites and the globalist and now with the incoming Administration china will be running our country, and they will be zero consequences for their behavior this year.

On to be half of all those who have suffered this year it is time to make China pay now before we are forced into making them pay militarily in the future.

